Cagas Deborah Mae

Meet our student!

Intern in batch 2022-2023
Cagas Deborah Mae, 30 , Philippines, Tel Hai campus - Training in a mushroom farm.

“Agrostudies serve as a pathway for turning your dreams into reality.”

Deborah is an extrovert who loves to discover new things and communicate with people, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture-Soil Science. She is a student at Tel Hai campus and an intern in a mushroom farm.

She shares being overblown by the spirit on campus, “Tel Hai Campus is awesome. I met my co-trainers, who were so cool. We laughed, shared stories, and created memories we can’t forget. We enjoyed the class with the coolest Instructor we’ve had, the tour experience was full of amazing moments, and we explored and learned how modern technology in Israel is tremendously powerful with all the machines and practices.”

Deborah shares that with her return to the Philippines she is planning to land a job in the sector of Agriculture, “This way I can share my learning and experiences throughout the 11-month training program.” She says that providing for her family and offering assistance to others with spreading her knowledge specially to farmers is one of her biggest dreams, “I aim to make a meaningful contribution to enhancing their way of life as farming holds significant financial potential.”

Lastly, she adds “I wish to express my appreciation to the Campus Coordinators who continuously monitor and support us during this training experience. This program opens doors for expanding your knowledge to establish your own enterprise within your country.”

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