PANLA Essodina Caleb

Meet our student!

Student of batch 2023-2024
PANLA Essodina Caleb – 27, Togo

Agrostudies is that eye-opening program that has expanded my vision beyond my limitations, revealed to me numerous opportunities, and equipped me with practical tools to realize them.”

Caleb, at 27 years old is presuming an agricultural degree in Agrobusiness at l’INFA de Tové in Togo. Caleb declairs to have a profound passion for agriculture since childhood, “This early interest naturally steered me towards a career in the field”. During his time at university, Caleb takes on the significant role of helping to coordinate an agricultural cooperative in his country, showcasing his leadership and commitment to the sector. He adds: “Currently, I am immersed in a program that broadens my horizons and reveals a multitude of opportunities in the agricultural sector that I intend to bring back and implement in my country.”

Caleb chose to participate in Agrostudies because to his words “it offers a unique opportunity to learn from the foremost experts in the global agricultural sector. It also provides the chance to engage with fellow students from diverse countries and cultures, fostering valuable contacts and relationships that will be beneficial for my future. Additionally, Agrostudies allows me to explore a country I have long dreamed of visiting”.

Further he shares talking about his experience on campus, “Campus Day is a crucial day where we gain access to valuable knowledge and learn the principles practiced by Israeli farmers and those worldwide, to achieve profitable agriculture. The premises are conducive to learning, our Professors are excellent and the effective materials used in lectures greatly enhance our understanding”

Caleb has a clear plan to revolutionize agriculture in his country. He intends to establish a farm that incorporates the advanced knowledge he has gained through his studies. His goal is to transfer this expertise to local farmers, empowering them with the skills needed to improve their practices and productivity, “This farm will not only provide employment but also empower employees and future farmers by teaching them how to start their own businesses, thereby transforming their lives”.

My greatest aspiration is to be a catalyst for change in Africa’s agricultural sector”, He is dedicated to facilitating the transformation of lives for all those involved in this sector and beyond, helping people achieve fulfillment and success in their endeavors. His vision and commitment position him as a driving force for positive change and sustainable development in agriculture.

Caleb concludes saying : “I sincerely want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Agrostudies for providing numerous students like myself with the opportunity to come to Israel and enhance our skills in our field. THANK YOU ️”

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